8777 - 8989 N. Scottsdale Rd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Mon–Sat:10AM - 6PM

Sun: Noon - 6PM

Tenant hours may vary. Restaurants have extended hours.

Detox Smoothie

Did you know that Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie was actually created to help fight inflammation in the body post chemo? With amazing ingredients like blueberry, acai, aronia berry, cinnamon, parsley, our Metabolic Love cold-pressed juice (grapefruit + cayenne), chlorella and almond milk, this smoothie at Kaleidoscope Juice decreases inflammation, is high in antioxidants, high in vitamin C, immunity boosting, and antibacterial. The benefits go on and on!
This is your sign to try one today! 🌈💜
